Rheumatoid Arthritis | Treatment at home, Cause and Prevention

Swollen finger joint
Courtesy Wikimedia

How rheumatoid arthritis happens? What are the causes? How to prevent yourself from it? And how to treat it by home remedies?

 Rheumatoid arthritis is the condition in which joints of the body start swelling, paining, inflamed, and get stiffed. It is very common in old age people, especially women.

    How rheumatoid arthritis(RA) happens?

    Courtesy Wikimedia

    Here I will share two views. One of Unani medicine and second of Modern science about rheumatoid arthritis.

    Unani medicine

     According to Unani medicine scholars, RA happens because of phlegm humor. When phlegm humor loses the balance of temperament. It turns viscous and disturb. It affects the joints and nervous system. Because of which RA happens.

    Modern science

     According to modern science, RA is an autoimmune reaction, in which antibodies develop against components of joint tissues. In simple words, our defense or immune system attacks our own joints by mistake.

    What are the causes?

    RA is one of those diseases which occurs because of more than one cause. Possible causes of RA are given below.

    Unhealthy food.

    Food which is unhealthy can cause RA.  This food includes sugar, white flour, white rice, potatoes, oily and spicy food, sour foods,animal-based food specially dairy food.

    Cold temperature

     Living at cold and low-temperature places or even eating too much chilled and cold stuff can increase the chance of RA.


    Environmental factors also play a very important role in autoimmune diseases like RA. Smoking and alcohol increase the risk of RA. And by smoking, I mean both first hand and second-hand smoking or passive smoking. Besides this, air pollution, pesticides, herbicides, and toxins also increase the risk of RA.


    If you have a family history of RA, the chance of getting RA is 15 to 20 percent. Mostly it depends on triggering factors like food and environment.

    Food allergies

    Food allergies can also increase the risk of RA. If you are getting food allergies regularly and eating the food you are not supposed to eat. It increases the number of antibodies in the body, which in result increases the risk of RA.


    Hormonal imbalance also plays a very important role in RA.low  level of androgen ( male hormone) and a High level of estrogen ( female hormone) can also increase the risk of RA.

    Low nutrients

    Nutrients from food and other sources are very important and vital for our health.to fight autoimmune diseases. Nutrients like antioxidants from plant-based food and vitamin D from sunlight is important. So lack of these vital nutrients can cause RA.

    How to prevent from Rheumatoid Arthritis?

    So what should we do to reduce the risk of RA? Here are some preventive measures you can take.

    Eating healthy Food & beverages.

    As unhealthy diet Increases the risk of RA. A healthy diet not only decreases the risk of RA but it can also reverse the RA or any other autoimmune disease. So what're good foods for RA? Whole plant foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains and food made from them, legumes, beans, lentils, nuts, dry fruits, beverages like green tea, coffee.

    Living at a moderate temperature.

    Extreme cold or hot temperature is not very good for RA, especially low and cold temperature. So keep yourself warm in cold weather and in cold places.

    Controlling bad habits.

    Addictions like alcohol and smoking are injurious for health. So as for Rheumatoid arthritis. Try to build good and healthy habits like exercise.

    Avoiding environmental dangers.

    Unfortunately, we are living in the era , where we are surrounded by various toxins. These can be in the air we breath, the food we eat and the things we use regularly. That's why avoid the highly polluted areas, clean your food before cooking and eating, and wash and sanitize your hands before eating.

    Treatment at home

    Besides these preventive steps, you can try the following home remedies to treat RA. here I am sharing one remedy for oral use and other for topical or external use.

    Oral remedy 

    Ginger & Turmeric tea.

    This tea will reduce pain and inflammation. For this you need 


    1/4 teaspoon of ground turmeric
    1/2 teaspoon of chopped fresh ginger
    1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
    1 tablespoon of lemon juice
    1 cup of water

    First, boil the water. When water is boiled reduce the heat and add turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon in it. Let it simmer for 5 minutes. Now stop heating and strain the tea with a clean cloth. Add honey and lemon in it.

    Take this tea thrice a day after 30 minutes of a meal. 

    A topical or external remedy 

    Arthritis oil.

    Externally or topically use the following oil for a massage twice a day. It will keep the joints warm and reduce the pain. But remember massage softly. For this oil you need.


    1 cup olive oil
    1/4 cup sea salt
    1/8 cup clove oil ( optional)

    Warm the oil gently and add the sea salt in it. Let the salt dissolve in oil. You can add water to dissolve salt fast. Now add the clove oil if you want too. And massage the oil at joints. 


    Due to an unhealthy lifestyle and several environmental factors, we are facing problems like RA. RA is hard to fight but precautions like a healthy diet and exercise can improve the condition. Oral and topical remedies like turmeric & ginger tea and olive oil massage can also help a lot.

    Hope after prevention and using the above-mentioned remedies you will feel relieved. And if you don't feel any benefit at all within a month, please do consult natural or Unani medicine practitioner for further treatment.
