Ustukhuddus ( Lavandula stoechas) or French lavender health benefits. Especially for cold , flu and memory loss.

French lavender or Ustukhuddus plant
French lavender or Ustukhuddus plant
Courtesy Pxhere
French lavender or Ustukhuddus whose botanical name is Lavandula stoechas,  and which is also known as topped lavender or Arabian lavender or Spanish lavender. It is a widely used shrub in Unani medicines, Ayurveda and Siddha for brain problems like brain weakness, chronic headache,  migraine, cold and flu. That's why it is also popular as a Jaroob e Dimagh means the broom of the brain.

    What is Ustukhuddus or French lavender?

    French lavender flower
    French lavender flower
    Courtesy Pixabay

    Ustukhuddus or french lavender or Arabian lavender or Spanish lavender or topped lavender is the same plant. Its botanical name is Lavandula stoechas. It's an evergreen shrub usually grows to 30 - 100 cm tall; leaves are 1- 4 cm long, greyish in color.  flowers appear in late spring and early summer seasons, are pink to purple in color.
    Ustukhuddus or French lavender dried
    Ustukhuddus or French lavender dried
    It is mostly found in France,  Spain, Italy, Greece and some parts of southern Asia. Mostly in traditional medicine systems, it's flowers and leaves are used in dried form. Its oil is also used in medicine. The taste of Ustukhuddus or French lavender is bitter.

    What are the properties and benefits of Ustukhuddus or French lavender?

    Ustukhuddus have the following properties and benefits according to Unani medicine. 


    Brain and nervine tonic ( Muqawai Dimagh wa asaab )
    Purifier of black bile humor ( Munaqai Sauda )
    Conctive of phlegm and black bile humor ( Munzaj e Balgham wa Sauda)
    Phlegmagogue ( Mushil e Balgham)
    Deobstruent  ( Mufatah Sudad)
    Demulcent  ( Mulatif )
    Resolvent. ( Muhalil)
    Detergent  ( Jali )
    Antiseptic  ( Daffa e Taffun )
    Styptic ( Habis )
    Stimulant  ( Muharak)
    Carminative ( Kasir e Riah)
    Expectorant ( Mukhraj e Balgham)


    Ustukhuddus is good for Brain weakness and headache 
    Cold and flu
    Brain stroke 
    Facial palsy
    Bloating and digestive disorders 
    Respiratory disorders 
    Urological disorders 
    Musculoskeletal disorders 

    How to use Ustukhuddus or French lavender for various health problems?

    Before I tell you this, remember in all these remedies dried Ustukhuddus or French lavender is used.

    For Cold and Flu.


    Ustukhuddus  dried = 3 grams
    Licorice / Mulathi =  3grams (it's better to peel it first )
    Sweet violet  dried  / Banafsha =  3 grams
    Water = 150 ml 


    Add all ingredients and boil. When boiled let it simmer for 5 minutes. Now strain it and drink it. Take this remedy twice a day before meal.

    For Brain strength,  Chronic  headache, and Migraine 


    French lavender dried / Ustukhuddus =  3 grams
    Coriander seeds/dhania Khusk = 3 grams 
    Whole Black pepper/Kali Mirch = 6 pieces 
    Water = half cup
    Honey = One tablespoon.


    Grind the first three ingredients with water. If possible with mortar and pestle.Now take this remedy every morning before sunrise. It will help you with migraine, and chronic headache. It also gives power to nerves and brain, so it's good for memory and other neurological disorders.

    For Bloating and Indigestion 


    French lavender / Ustukhuddus dried =  Half teaspoon 
    Ginger grated  /  Adrak   = One teaspoon 
    Black pepper/kali mirch =  Quarter teaspoon 
    Fennel seeds. /  Saunf =  Half teaspoon 
    Honey = One tablespoon 
    Water = 150 ml or One cup


    Start boiling water and add the first four ingredients in it. When it is boiled,  let it simmer for 3 minutes.  Now strain it and drink it. Drink this remedy twice a day after fifteen minutes of a meal. It will help in digesting food and bloating.

    For coughing and clearing mucus from the lungs and throat.


    French lavender dried / Ustukhuddus dried = half teaspoon 
    Fennel seeds / Saunf = half teaspoon 
    Hyssop dried / Zofa  khushk = half teaspoon 
    Licorice peeled / Mulethi =  half teaspoon 
    Water = 150 ml


    Add all the ingredients. Leave it for 6 hours. Now boil it. Let it simmer for 5 minutes. Strain it, add honey and drink it. Use this remedy twice a day before 30 minutes of a meal. It is A very good expectorant and cough medicine. 

    How to make famous Unani medicine Itrifal Ustukhuddus?

    Itrifal Ustukhuddus is a popular Unani medicine that is used for Sinus, chronic catarrh, cold, and headache. It also improves digestion and good for Chronic constipation. Regular use of Itrifal Ustukhuddus stop hair graying and hair fall.

    So let's see how to make Itrifal Ustukhuddus.
    Itrifal Ustukhuddus
    Itrifal Ustukhuddus


    The rind of Terminalia Chebula yellow fruits. /  Chilka harad zard = 25 grams
    The rind of Terminalia Chebula brown fruits  /   Chilka harad kabli = 25 grams
    The rind of Terminalia Bellirica / Chilka Balela = 25 grams
    Terminalia Chebula black fruits. /   Harad Siah =  25 grams
    Indian gooseberry dried.  /  Amla khusk. = 25 grams
    Senna leaves.   /   Sana maki  =  25 grams
    Stems of Operculina turpethum /  Turbad safeed.=  25 grams
    Polypodium vulgare /  Bisfaij =  25 grams
    French lavender ( Lavandula Stoechas ) dried  / Ustukhuddus = 25 grams
    Mastic gum / Mastagi.= 25 grams
    Cuscuta Reflexa dried / Aftimoon or Amar bael = 25 grams
    Raisins. / Kishmish. = 25 grams
    Almond oil  / Badam ka tail = 150 ml
    Honey.  / Shahad 900 grams


    Clean the first 12 ingredients with water. Mash the raisins and grind the other 11 Ingredients. Mix all 12 ingredients well and add almond oil in it. Now heat the honey at low flame. If possible heat it indirectly In boiling water. Honey will be thin after some time. Stop heating and mix all ingredients in honey, slowly. Itrifal Ustukhuddus is ready.


    Take one tablespoon in the morning and one at bedtime. For children half tablespoon.

    Contradictions or side effects.

    Patients Having problems like diarrhea, dysentery, and Diabetes or pregnant women should avoid it or take it cautiously. 

    Scientific Research

    Various research studies on animal proved that Ustukhuddus have the following health benefits.

    1. According to one study lavender oil improves functionality and oxidative stress of rat's brain.
    2. In another study which is also at rats. French lavender has antioxidative capabilities as it fights against free radicles.
    3. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.
    4. It also controls glucose in the blood.
    5. It has sedative properties too. So it can help sleeping and anxiety.
    6. In one study in Rabbits, it works as a calcium channel blocker. Medicine used for high blood pressure and controlling heart rhythms.
    7. It also helps wounds to heal fast like zinc oxide, in one study at rats.
    If you want more details about these scientific studies please read the pdf in the following link.

    Side effects and contradictions of Ustukhuddus

    Ustukhuddus or French lavender is considered a safe drug. But it has few side effects and contradictions too. For some people, it can make problems like nausea and vomiting. Especially people with hot temperament. If you feel anything like this stop using it or use it with Antidote.

     If you are using any diuretic or  hypertension Medicine,  use French lavender or Ustukhuddus cautiously with these medicines 

    Antidote  /corrective / musleh 

    Courtesy Pixabay
    Mastic Gum
    Courtesy Wikimedia

    To counter the side effects, you can use it with lemonade or mastic gum.


    You can use three to ten grams depending on the age and physical condition of the patient.


    Cuscuta reflexa ( Aftimoon / Amarbael )
    Cuscuta Reflexa ( Aftimoon / Amarbael )

    You can use Cuscuta Reflexa (Aftimoon / Amarbael ) also known as Devil's hair. If you can't find Ustukhuddus.

    Temperament/ Mizaaj/ Taseer

    The temperament of Ustukhuddus is
    Hot at level one
    Dry at level two

    Various names 

    Botanical name: Lavandula stoechas 
    English: French lavender or Spanish lavender or Arabian  lavender 
    Urdu and Farsi: Ustukhuddus or Jaroob e Dimagh 
    Hindi: Dharu or  Alphagandharu
    Arabic: Anisularwah 
    Chinese mandarin: Xūnyīcǎo
