Turmeric for weight loss, acne and everything you want to know about this magical spice.

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Turmeric is used for weight loss, acne, arthritis,  indigestion,  coughing, and many other health problems. Not only traditional medicine systems like Unani, Ayurveda and Chinese traditional medicine, but modern science also recognizes turmeric abilities to treat various health problems. You will find all the information about turmeric in this article. 

    What is turmeric?

    Turmeric plant
    courtesy Wikimedia

    Turmeric is a famous spice mostly used in Asian cuisine for flavor and color.  
    It is a root of a plant Curcuma longa, commonly known as turmeric plant, of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae.

     Turmeric has a warm, bitter, black pepper-like flavor and it smells like mustard.

    The yellow pigment in turmeric is called curcumin. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and It's better to use it with black pepper for curcumin to absorb in the body.

    What are the properties and benefits of turmeric?

    Courtesy Flickr

    Turmeric has the following properties according  to Unani medicine:

    It is expectorant means it promotes the secretion of sputum by the air passages, used to treat coughs.
    It unclogs or clears the arteries 
    It heals and dry wounds or injuries and works as a cleanser if used topically or externally. 
    It is anthelmintic means it expels parasitic worms of the body.
    It is Anti-inflammatory
    It is used for detoxification 
    It helps to lose weight by improving metabolism.

    How to use turmeric?

    Turmeric can be used for many health problems. I am sharing a few of them.

    Weight loss, coughing, indigestion, and arthritis use turmeric tea.

    Turmeric tea
    Courtesy Wikimedia


    Water  300ml
    Turmeric grated or ground 2 grams ( half teaspoon)
    Black pepper ground 1 gram (  quarter teaspoon)
    Ginger grated 2 grams ( half teaspoon)
    If you are using for coughing add
    Honey one tablespoon too

    Start boiling the water. Add all ingredients in it. When it is boiled, let it simmer for 10 minutes.  Now strain the tea and take it.

    Take this tea thrice a day, After half an hour of the meal, for two weeks at least. You will be amazed by the results.

    For acne and skin cleansing use turmeric Face Mask.

    Courtesy Wikimedia

    Before you make this mask prepare yourself for it. It can be very messy and can make stains. So use old cloth, a towel, and gloves.


    Ground Turmeric  two teaspoons 
    Chickpeas flour (also known as basin you can find it at any Indian store) one teaspoon
    Honey half teaspoon 
    Milk two teaspoon
    If you have dry skin you can use almond oil two teaspoons instead of milk.

    Mix all the ingredients well and make a paste. Apply it on the face and neck. Leave it for 20 minutes. Now wash it. You can use any good face wash to remove the remaining yellow stains if they left. Use this mask thrice a week.

    For increasing immunity and body-strength use turmeric milk also known as golden milk. 

    Golden Milk
    Courtesy Flickr


    Milk half-cup (120ml)  
    Ground turmeric one teaspoon.
    Fresh ginger one small piece grated or half teaspoon of ground ginger.
    Ground black pepper one pinch.
    Honey one teaspoon (Optional)

    Mix all the ingredients and boil it. Let it simmer for 10 minutes. Strain the milk and drink it. It's better to have it at night before going to sleep.

    Topically or externally you can use turmeric for wounds and internal injuries.

    Courtesy Flickr

    For wound sprinkle ground turmeric on it, after cleaning the wound. It will help the wound to dry.

    For internal injuries like bruises and sprains mix ground turmeric in olive oil and make a paste. Apply that paste on the affected area and bandage it.

    For Detoxification and inflammatory diseases like hepatitis and arthritis 

    Courtesy Flickr

    Use the following  remedy


    Water  300ml
    Turmeric grated or ground half teaspoon
    Black pepper ground quarter teaspoon
    Ginger grated half teaspoon
    Honey one tablespoon (Optional) 

    Add all ingredients in a pan in the morning and leave it till night. Now boil it and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Before going to sleep strain it and drink it.

    Scientific  Research 

    Courtesy Pxhere

    Many research studies have been done on turmeric. And modern  science  also acknowledged the benefits of turmeric

    Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant 

    The yellow pigment curcumin in turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. So it is good for inflammatory problems like arthritis and hepatitis. But curcumin needs Pepperine to absorb in the human body. That's why it's better to use it with black pepper which has Pepperine in it.

    Increase brain strength and reduce the risk of brain disorders like Alzheimer's. 

    Various Research studies show that curcumin helps to increase and multiply neurons in certain parts of the brain. That's why it can help to increase brain power and brain disorders like Alzheimer's. 

    Lower the risk of a heart attack.

    Curcumin improves the function of the endothelium, which is the lining of our blood vessels. As a result, it decreases the chances of a heart attack. But remember high dosage can be risky. And it's better to take it under the supervision of the physician.

    Turmeric can reduce  and prevent cancer

    Various studies show that curcumin can help to reduce cancerous cells and angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels in tumors) and metastasis(cancer spreads to a different body part from where it started).

    Control of depression 

    One research study shows that curcumin helps to control psychological problems like depression too. It is as good as any other antidepressant medication.

    Side effects 

    Courtesy Wikipedia

    Turmeric has the following side effects too.


    According to Unani medicine scholars, overdose and regular use of turmeric can make heart weak. So be careful with the dosage of turmeric.

    Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and infertility 

    Those women who are pregnant or breastfeeding or having infertility problems should avoid using turmeric. You can use it, added in food, if quantity is low.


    Turmeric helps to prevent gallstones. But if you already have gallstones or any obstruction in the bile duct, don't use turmeric. It will increase your problem.

    Blood clotting slowdown 

    Turmeric has anticoagulant properties, which means it slows down the blood clotting process. So if you have any bleeding disorder or preparing for surgery in the near future. Don't use turmeric.

    Low glucose and cholesterol. 

    Turmeric is good for diabetic or a person with high cholesterol.  That's why if you have issues like low glucose or cholesterol or using any medication to control these problems take turmeric cautiously.

    Stomach problems 

    Turmeric is good for digestion but for some people, turmeric may upset stomach. If you have any problems like this stop using it.

    Low iron

    Turmeric might prevent the absorption of iron. So if you have iron deficiency, use it cautiously.


    Bitter orange or Marmalade orange
    Courtesy Wikimedia
    For heart, problem use with Bitter orange also known as marmalade orange.


    1 to 3 grams

    Depending on the age and physical condition of a person.


    Indian Madder
    Courtesy Wikimedia

    Turmeric is easily available spice but if you can't find it you can use madder also known as Indian madder for inflammatory problems like arthritis and hepatitis. 

    Temperament/ Mizaaj

    According to Unani scholars, Temperament of turmeric is hot at level 3 and dry at level 3

    Various  names  

    In English  turmeric
    In Urdu and Hindi  Haldi
    In Arabic Arooq u Safar
    In Persian or Farsi Zard Chowb
    In Chinese Jiānghuáng


    Turmeric is a popular spice full of health benefits. It is good for weight loss, acne, arthritis, hepatitis, cleansing, detoxification, coughing, internal and external injuries, immunity or energy boosting. scientific research also acknowledges the benefits of its yellow pigment " Curcumin". You can use it as tea, face mask or in milk depending on the problem you have. Use it cautiously if any person has a heart problem, gallstones, for the woman( pregnancy, infertility issues, breastfeeding), bleeding disorder, low glucose or cholesterol.
