Fenugreek benefits ,properties,use and a lot more.

What is fenugreek( methi)? What it's benefits and properties? How to use it? What are the side effects? You will find all these answers and much more in this article.
Fenugreek seeds
courtesy Wikimedia

    What is fenugreek ( methi)?

    Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a widely used herb in popular traditional medicine systems like Unani, Ayurveda, Chinese, etc. It is also used in subcontinent cuisines.
    Fenugreek plant illustration
    courtesy Wikimedia

    The plant of Fenugreek is approximately 2 to 3 feet tall. It has green leaves in the form of three leaflets. Flowers are small and white or yellow in color. The seeds of fenugreek are in little pods and are bright brownish or yellowish in color.

    What are fenugreek benefits and properties?

    Fenugreek has a lot of health benefits. According to Unani medicine fenugreek have following benefits and properties:-

    Cleansing ( topically or externally)
    Nerves strength
    Body strength
    Reduce Erectile dysfunction
    Stomach and intestine strength ( gas, bloating & laxative)
    reduce Amenorrhea & dysmenorrhea

    How it is used?

    Now let's see how fenugreek is used for various health problems like
    Memory and nerve  weakness
    body weakness
    Chest congestion
    Gas & bloating
    Mild constipation
    Amenorrhea ( absence of menstruation)
    Dysmenorrhea ( painful menstruation)

    For freckles, pigmentation,  acne, and sunspots.

    You can use fenugreek as a face mask for freckles, pigmentation, acne, and sunspot. For this, you will need

    Fenugreek seeds half cup
    Water two cups

     Add fenugreek seeds in water and boil it for 5 minutes. Turn the stove off and leave it for the whole night.

    Now strain it with a clean cloth. ( save that water and when it cooldown sprays it at hair scalp. It's good for hair.) Fenugreek will become dough-like stuff.

    Now grind it in the blender.

    Apply it on your face. Keep the coat heavy.

    Leave it for 15 min at least.

    When it dries up. Remove the mask and wash your face.

    Your skin will be glowing and clear.

    For body weakness, strong memory, nerve weakness, and erectile dysfunction.

    Fenugreek is a very good tonic, especially for men. To use it for the strength,  you need

    Fenugreek seeds 50 grams
    Water 1 liter ( 4 glass full)

    Soak fenugreek seeds in water for the whole night.

    In the morning boil it till half of the water evaporates and a half ( 500 ml) left.

    Now strain the solution with a clean cloth.

    Take 1/4 glass (125 ml) of the strained solution, add one tablespoon of honey in it and drink it

    For better results take it twice a day, in the morning before breakfast and at night before sleep.

    For gas, bloating and  mild constipation

    Fenugreek is very useful for digestive system problems like bloating, gas, indigestion, constipation, etc. So what you need for these  problems is

    Fenugreek seeds powder three grams
    Jaggery ( of sugarcane) 2 grams

    Mix both of them.

     Have it with warm water after 15 minutes of the meal, twice a day.

    For chest congestion and coughing.

    Fenugreek is also very useful in chest problems, especially as an expectorant.
    So it is good for chest congestion, asthma, cough, etc. For chest problems

    Boil one tablespoon fenugreek seeds in one glass of water.

    Strain it with a clean cloth. Add one teaspoon of honey in it and drink it.

    Take this tea twice a day before 30 min of the meal.

    For amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea

    Ladies who are facing problems like amenorrhea ( missed menstrual cycle) or dysmenorrhea ( painful menstrual cycle) Will find fenugreek very useful.

    For this, you need fenugreek seeds in powder form or you can grind it by yourself too.

    Take one gram of fenugreek seed powder with warm water, twice a day before 30 min of the meal.

    It's better to start this remedy before, a couple of days, of the menstrual cycle.

    What scientific research tell us about fenugreek?

    Many research studies have been done by scientists and researchers to confirm the benefits of fenugreek. Let's see what they found?


    According to some clinical trials and research studies, fenugreek is effective in both types of diabetes, especially in type 2 diabetes because of a high amount of fiber which is good for metabolism. In one study it was found that daily use of 10 grams of water-soaked fenugreek is very effective for controlling glucose levels.

    Increase milk supply and production ( galactagogue )

    Many research studies show that fenugreek has galactagogue property means it increase the breast milk supply and production in women. In one of those studies, it is observed that taking half to one teaspoon fenugreek seeds with warm water thrice a day increase the breast milk supply. Use it for at least for two weeks for results.

    Male libido and testosterone

    Fenugreek seeds contain plant steroids known as fenuside and protodioscin. Both of them helps to increase testosterone levels in men. According to one research taking 600 mg of fenugreek supplement per day, which contains a high amount of these steroids,   for month increase the level of testosterone and libido in men.


    In some research studies, it is observed that fenugreek seeds also improve cholesterol levels in the blood. Means it decrease bad cholesterol like LDL and triglyceride. And increase good cholesterol HDL in blood.

    Weight loss

    Mostly all herbs which are effective to control diabetes and cholesterol, are also used to lose weight. So as the fenugreek. Research studies confirmed that use of fenugreek reduce the daily intake of fat and make you feel full for a long time.

    What are the side effects?

    Besides the health benefits of fenugreek, it has some adverse side effects too.

    Pregnancy and infertility

    According to Unani medicine using too much fenugreek is not good for ovaries. As I told before fenugreek is good for amenorrhea ( missed menstrual cycle ). So don't use it at all during pregnancy or if any woman is having an infertility issue.


    Small and rare use of fenugreek is safe for everyone but if a child is weak and Lean. It's not safe to use fenugreek regularly as it lowers the glucose and cholesterol levels in the blood.

    Digestive system

    Mostly fenugreek is good for digestion problems. But for some people, it makes problems like diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion, and nausea. If you facing problem like that while using fenugreek, stop using it or use it with an antidote.

    Low sugar and cholesterol

    If you have an issue of low sugar or cholesterol. Or you are using medicine which decreases sugar or cholesterol in the blood, use fenugreek cautiously. It can make you sick and dizzy.

    What is the antidote?

    To counter the adverse effects of fenugreek you can use it with Spinach and purslane leaves or seeds.

    What is the dosage?

    Depending on the age and condition of the patient fenugreek can be used according to the following dosage.

     1 gram to 3 grams 

    Leaves branches and roots 
     3 gram to 6 grams

    What is the alternative?

    Fennel and maple can replace fenugreek in stomach problems.

    What is the temperament?

    Hot at level 2 and dry at level 2

    What are the various names?

    Trigonella foenum-graecum


    Urdu/ hindi 


     hu lu ba


    Fenugreek is a popular herb which is widely used in many traditional cuisines and medicine systems. As a medicine it is mostly used for gas, bloating, controlling glucose and cholesterol, enhancing libido and testosterone, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, soothing inflammation and pain. Many Benefits of fenugreek are also confirmed by scientific research. Mostly the use of fenugreek is safe and have no adverse effects if used in proper dosage and according to patient physical condition.
